2020 has really been one for the history books. Who would have thought we would end up indoors, distancing ourselves at a time when we really should be getting closer together instead? Nothing has gone to plan, in fact, it has been quite the opposite. Not only were my travel plans cancelled, I had also been barred from going home for almost 3 months. I had not seen friends since the beginning of lockdown in March and I felt so distant from everyone I know. It is especially ironic, as now more than ever we are able to connect — Facetime and Zoom have brought us closer than we could have ever imagined a decade ago. We are able to work home and follow classes online, a convenience for some despite being a hindrance to others.
It is an especially confusing time to be in your twenties, as you are on the cusp of adulthood, yet it seems that everything has come to a halt. My problems while still valid, are merely just complaints. Miniscule issues, in contrast with what is happening across the globe — crashing economies, job losses and families in mourning. Simply staying at home, is not an issue worthy of complaint. Interestingly, through stay-at-home laws, this year seemed to have given me the gift of time, in the most baffling and unexpected way. I have been able to reprioritize and found a deeper appreciation for things that I simply took for granted before. From a walk in the forest to a call with my parents, I found my happiness in being content and thankful. I have worked on new projects and unexpectedly also made new connections — it is a different kind of intimacy when you bond purely over words. 2020 has taught me how to find appreciation in various situations despite not having any control over them. It has taught me perseverance, a valuable trait which I feel will carry me throughout. It has been a memorable year, but not just in the ways I had expected it to be.
